The components that make up the interchange are existing modular pieces, and aside from making the preview model, the setup can be built using what is known as "RUL0 code" an SC4-specific scripting formatrather than having to piece together an entire setup with new path files, exemplars, and Instance IDs. The idea of stringing together FLEX Pieces to produce partial and complete pre-fab interchanges, capable of being modified after construction, was discussed internally as early as Septemberwith small-scale realization coming with the initial QuickChange system from the NAM 32 release of January The idea of full interchanges was revisited a few times in the years following, including a mysterious reveal of an early prototype in The advantages of going FLEX are myriad. In their place, more draggable items and FLEX Pieces which initially look like puzzle pieces, but behave like draggable items, by being capable of morphing into new setups, based on the networks fed into them. This may seem too good to be true, given the team's long-standing answer to the requests for such a feature, as taken from the old "Frequently Asked Questions" section on the long-running RHW Development and Support thread at SimCity 4 Devotion. Ploppable interchanges for the Network Addon Mod 's RealHighway RHW system, similar to those for the game's default Maxis Highway system, are indeed in development, and will be on the way to a yet-to-be-determined NAM release in the near future.

Build mansions on mountainsides, cross canyons with bridges and raise skyscrapers downtown. Your city comes alive with the hustle and bustle of construction crews, the snarl of traffic and the activity of your Sims. Then construct the most realistic metropolis you can imagine. With god-like powers, you sculpt mountains, gouge riverbeds, and seed forests to lay the groundwork for your creation. In SimCity 4, you don't just build your city, you breathe life into it.